Never Lost

Never Lost
"Those who wander are never lost...."

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Welcome to the Spire

    "A spire is a tapering conical or pyramidal structure on the top of a building, often a skyscraper or a church tower. Etymologically, the word is derived from the Old English word spir, meaning a sprout, shoot, or stalk of grass." 

Our crown chakra illuminating above our head and antennae are tapping into the unknown bringing that into our consciousness grounded is part Spire. 
Something that cannot be seen with the naked eye but yet is 4th eye transferable to the 3rd eye.
The Spire is enlivened by what thoughts are put into it and how it takes its time manefesting thought in the darkness which is what seeds use to crack open their husk and began growth.  There is no way to force growth; it comes and goes on its own accordance in cycles some of which we have a idea about and others we are not even ready to yet comprehend.

There is no doubt in my mind the original druids were the monks whom had something to do with being the keepers of the spires.  There are natural pyramids and spires formed from the earth thousands of years ago as well.  These particular round towers are just one example of a conduit or medium of transmitting energy we can learn about that shows us more of a reflection of what we have in ourselves currently.  To bring higher knowledge and subconscious thought into reality grounded in 3D reality. All the megalithic structures and wonders of the world were seismic taps meaning tapped into the earths invisible ley lines and also tapped into the earth itself.  Inductive is the scientific name used to describe how they were also used to store these energies and memories for later use.

"Spires also occur commonly and notably as solo structures, in the way that obelisks are used." 

Antennae from these megalithic structures are inductors of the celestial or stellar forces known to be linked to the stars of the night sky.  These tuning forks are used to channel the energy from our longest and most further ancestors within the cosmic dust we all breathe are are apart of THE STARS.  We are a star as well in different phases within our lifespan in this life.  We do know that when studying plants that growth in them occurs more during the nighttime than the day when they
are taking in the other natural occurrences such as the sun.  These towers/our bodies also take in the sun naturally for increasing processes of melatonin and digestion and nutrient uptake.  These towers have been known to be made out of paramagnetic stone such as mica schist, sandstone and limestone these react well to the suns rays and also act as dielectric insulators and magnetic positive amplifier to its surroundings.  The doors were built a certain height off the ground and filled to be able to dial in certain frequencies relevant to the star and coordinates it marked on the earth. They were also used as birthing sanctuaries and healing facilities.

A huge topic to discuss in this article is about how the minerals uptaken by our bodies connect with the genetic code through the codons of our DNA which are linked to the spine.  it is the backbone to the spire that holds everything in place.  Yes the solar plexus is important and so is the feet however we would be nothing without the spine.  This was known by the djed tribe in Africa and djed is also known as a type of Pillar and linked to the jedi hence djedi.  Of course the inner metaphysical circling the square makes a lot of this possible by providing a strong foundation for transmissions to be received and grounded.

"One of the sinuous foldings of a serpent or other reptile; a coil."

The kundalini or easier said the energy that exists in humans from the base of the spine at the coccyx to the top of the spine at the adjoining place between top
vertebrae and the head. The shephards staff is one that goes from the back of the spine all the way up and around to the 3rd eye. this is known as the original staff
used by moses and many others to guide them on their journey and to help tend the flocks.  The different healing modalities such as qi gong, tai chi, reiki, and many
others are just a small example of how capable our bodies are of being a very mysterious free energy machine.  Again showing THE FORCe or subtle energy talked about by
the jedi knights in star wars.  Levitation is actually the term in which describes yoda lifting the x wing out of the swamps of dagoba this is a real force that exists
using the breathe, the spirit of life and the initiation of the most powerful source of being. This has been accomplished by many humans in fact living today.

The nagas are the dragons from ley lines within our bodies and all over the planet earth setup as a major grid system long forgotten by those who rewrote books.
They are of huge importance to tap into and understand how they work.  when bruce lee was being portrayed as a master of martial arts in the movie enter the dragon
this was part of what im talking about.  the dragon is the inner being that is within the meridians, nadis, or ley lines of our body.

some believe that the dragon force is to be tamed.  I believe that it is to be harnessed because of the way we were put on earth not to suppress our own true inherit
nature.  "The part of a spiral generated in one revolution of the straight line about the pole."  our iris in our eye and the way the galaxies spiral like our path in
life is constantly expanding, our universe is expanding rapidly, and our worlds are colliding with other worlds even as we stand still.  Do not be alarmed this is
just the beginning of such endeavors we go through in order to bring chaotic tension to ease within our sphere of reference.  A circle contains a spiral in a sense
and there is no such thing as a perfect circle just an imaginary line drawn there for reference.  we do know these things exist however we have to be aware of how they
affect us.  Round towers are cylindrical in shape being a female shape with a male shaped cap or top to it, Balancing the two harmoniously for greater channeling of

*spīrǭ (“peak; point; tip; stalk”).

the etamology of these words show us that the apex or termination point of a crystal, a tower and a humans crown chakra are very much indeed similar.  this is a point of inspiration if you will also a point for much of the transmitting of information to and from the earth and the heavens in which flow through us. 
"From Old French spirer, and its source, Latin spīrō (“to breathe”) to turn (of a spiral)"

Now we see the importance of the breath and to be able to breathe life into this existence in which we have seen quoted in many ancient books of knowledge. The breathe
generates the movement of such existential and terrestrial forces.  our aeriolas in our lungs are the size of a football field stretched out.  Imagine that's what
capacity is in size.  now think of how much we do not know about how much breathe can fit within that space.  how do we measure air in that aspect?  we cannot.
we simply know that is we can get oxygen through our blood to the places untapped including the sectors of the brain and the secret passages of the brain/mind and the
 heart mind as well, then we have truly successfully found what is the other 90% of the brain we are always told we do not use.

Breathe is the key (ki or Qi)
that helps channel the being
balance the synergy
to move into infinity

IN Spire a tion - the spark of attractive inquisitive nature in you was a reaction to the things you had insight to as a relection.  as a funny joke kinda like in the story about the lord of the rings when they light the beacons to signify things.

AS Spire a tion -as·pi·ra·tion
noun: aspiration; plural noun: aspirations

    a hope or ambition of achieving something.
    "he had nothing tangible to back up his literary aspirations"
    synonyms:    desire, hope, dream, wish, longing, yearning; More
    aim, ambition, expectation, goal, target
    "his greatest aspiration is to win an Olympic gold medal"
        the object of one's hope or ambition; a goal.
        "fabrics and oriental rugs were my aspirations"
    the action or process of drawing breath.
        the action of drawing fluid by suction from a vessel or cavity.
    the action of pronouncing a sound with an exhalation of breath.

So the SPIRE is I (notice the Letter I and how it looks like the djed or the pillar), Myrrhlin (Making Yod Relevant Rendering Highest Light in Nature) the Grand Wizard
and The Spire is in you. 
I hope I have been an inspiration and know that you are an inspiration for me. 
and We are an aspiration to the world. Aspiration in the sense of bringing you to a state of awareness of the breathe.  standing tall in the midst of the fresh spring
rain ....your reaction to the growth and determination to make the right reaction to the circumstances in your life.  its all about how you react to what is going on
around you and not let that dictate what is inside of you.  They say that certain temples in india relate to the nakshastras or the lunar mansion or constellations of the moon in which you were born. As discussed some of these
megalithic structures are tuned into the stars form certain constellations for more than one reason. Which round tower or megalitich strucutre or mountain do you feel
resonating in you? 

Most importantly its within and without, the way in and the tao of your life's path chosen at the divine timing which we do not choose
it just happens when its supposed to. Blessed be. Welcome to the spire.


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